Wednesday 30 January 2013

Happy New Year!
What is in store for 2013…
Community Learning Programme Launch
On 24th January we kicked off our Community Learning Programme 2013 with ‘How to Find the Right Job for You’. Customers got some very useful tips and advice about how to search for jobs effectively, present their CV and stand out to an employer.

As well as help people into employment, courses and sessions are designed to encourage people to get active, eat more healthily, improve the community and environment or just for fun and to meet new people. There really is something for everyone!

The programme can be found on our website at

We’ve also launched a new Facebook page ‘Community Learning Programme’. Click ‘like’ to keep up to date with all upcoming courses.

To get more information, book on to a course or request a hard copy of the Programme contact the Community Involvement Team.  February's courses are listed below.

So What?
These free learning opportunities have proven to benefit many lives from giving people the skills to gain employment, improving families’ health and wellbeing, reducing social isolation and providing an enjoyable learning experience.

Money Mentor Training
SARH Community Involvement Officers, Christine and Pam, have been accepted on a ‘Money for Life’ training programme to become ‘Money Mentors’.   Once qualified, they will be able to show people how to manage their day-to-day finances with confidence, stay out of debt and how to save for the future.

Lloyds TSB, Halifax and Bank of Scotland brands, Lloyds Banking Group have invested £6.5 million from 2010 – 2013 to offer this training free.  From 2012 to 2013 The ‘Money for Life’ programme will offer 1400 free training places across the UK.  Over the next few months keep checking the Blog to find out how the training went as well as how it is helping our customers.
So What?
With the Welfare Reform due to make an impact on so many lives in 2013 and the coming years it is important that SARH staff have the skills to support our customers.  Many vulnerable people will struggle to deal with these changes but if SARH can offer the correct support we can prepare them for the changes.

Youth Group Logo
The Glebelands Troops Youth Group have decided that with the start of a New Year a revamp of their logo is called for.   It has been 3 years since the logo was designed but with new members joining the group and some of the older ones moving on the group wants a change.  The name will remain the same so at their first meeting of 2013 they all started work on new designs and discussed possible colour schemes that they would all like.  Next month we will bring you details of the new logo and colour scheme they have chosen.
So What?
It is important that the children feel they can take ownership of the groups ‘image’.  The skills that they learn in discussing and implementing changes will give them confidence to share their opinions as well as respecting those of others.

Pupils and parents admiring their work.
Christmas at the CRC
It may feel like a long time ago but on 21st December the Community Resource Centre at Greyfriars had a mega day of celebration to mark the start of the Christmas holidays.  In the morning we had the Community Learning Programme Christmas Crafts with the tutor Peter Dutton.  Then in the afternoon ‘Musica’, a brass quintet (Lucy-Ann Simmonds from the SARH Customer Call Centre arranged some of the musical pieces as well as playing saxophone) were joined by the Penkside Community Choir.  To top this off some of the children from the Stafford Childrens Centre who had entered the ‘Winter Wonderland’ painting competition came along to enjoy the music and meet Santa, who made a special guest appearance.

So What?
Bringing the local community together to celebrate can help form new bonds, create new friendships, share experiences and open opportunities for the future.

Customer Inspectors
The latest CI report
SARH’s Customer Inspectors (CIs) late last year completed their inspection of the Asset Management Team who deal with all the major improvements in and to your home.  The CIs made 20 recommendations that they thought would improve the service for all and the SARH Leadership Team (which includes the Chief Executive) has accepted most of them.  The CIs are looking forward to seeing some real improvements for customers very soon! 
Also in January the CIs had their usual 1 to 1 session with a Community Involvement Officer to give them an opportunity to raise any queries and to provide feedback on how they felt the inspection went.
As our regular readers will know when one inspection ends a new one starts and starting in February the CIs will be looking at the Independent Living Service.  The CIs will be speaking to customers across the borough of Stafford who live in SARH Independent Living Schemes to see how happy they are with the service and how things can be improved
So What?
The Customer Inspectors Project gives the opportunity to make a real difference to the services SARH provide to its customers.  If you are interested in getting involved please call the Community Involvement Team on 0800 111 4554.  We’d love to hear from you!

Tool Bank 
Equipment similar to what will be at
the new Tool Bank
This year the SARH Community Involvement and Neighbourhood Services Teams will be working closely with the community in Highfields to develop a garden tool hire scheme!  Often when people have overgrown gardens or unkempt lawns it can be due to illness or a lack of equipment. 
We hope that by offering people the opportunity to hire equipment from us at a minimal fee and maybe even get some greenfingered volunteers to help, that people will be able to keep their gardens in better condition and maybe even thinking about entering it to the annual garden competition! Have a look at the information from last year see if you can get any inspiration… 2012 Garden Competition.
So What?
We are offering people living in our neighbourhoods the opportunity to improve where they live and take more pride in the appearance of their home.  Even those who cannot own equipment for themselves will be able to utilize this scheme and who knows maybe a new career can stem from it!

Meadow Road Community Allotment Project

Customers at the 'drop-in' session
We haven’t been able to do much physical work on the Meadow Road Allotment Site over the winter however, local residents interested in having a plot were invited to find out more and fill out an application form.

We have allocated allotments to 7 families and 4 community groups including Ad Solutions, the Penkside Community Champions and Rising Brook Baptist Church. Some plots will be shared to allow people with little time or not much experience with growing to still be involved.

Miss Read is a mum whose family has recently obtained a plot. “It’s a very good way of keeping fit and healthy and it ensures we get plenty of fresh air and exercise.”

We would like to say a big thank you to DLP Roofing Contractors, who are currently working in the Penkside area putting new roofs on 125 properties. They have donated £300 to the project to fund a sustainable water supply.
The allotments are going to be launched in March. Keep an eye out for another update.

So What?
The allotment site gives local people an opportunity to learn about growing things to improve their health and fitness and mix with others from their local community. The project has already brought the community together and will continue to do so as the allotments develop.


Welfare Benefits Roadshow
To help our customers understand how the Welfare Reform will affect them SARH are running a number of Welfare Reform Roadshows where you can get help, advice and practical money management.
The first event, held at Highfields Signpost Centre, was a great success, the next three events are as follows:-
Thursday 7th February 1pm to 4pm at the Community Resource Centre, Greyfriars
Monday 11th February 1.30pm to 4pm at the Silkmore Children’s Centre, Silkmore

Friday 15th February 1pm to 4pm at the Rising Brook Fire Station, Hesketh Road
For more information watch our video or to book an appointment call us on 0800 111 4554 or email

February Customer Learning Programme Courses...  FREE to all! 

If you want any more information about any of the events that have already happened or that are coming up in the future please do not hesitate to contact us on: or call us on
0800 111 4554

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