Tuesday 18 December 2012

Cracking Christmas Capers!

The Community Involvement Year in pictures

So What?
These photos show the diverse range of ways the Community Involvement Team engage with our customers.  By having such a wide range of opportunities to get involved we are making it easier for those with differing needs to have their say too.

Winter Wonderland Painting Competition

The Winter Wonderland Competition Entries
Earlier this year the Community Involvement Team invited local schools to take part in a ‘Winter Wonderland ‘painting competition.  Our winner from Tillington Manor Primary School is Harley with an impressive picture of a snowman and a penguin.  Anya our winner from Stafford Children’s Centre has painted Rudolph.  Both of the children will receive a £10 Book Token.

So What?
SARH are building relationships with local schools and in turn our future customers.  Schools, parents and pupils are invited to come and view them at the Urban Gallery on Greyfriars, Stafford - see below!

Youth Group Christmas Party

A member of Glebelands Troops Youth Group and his
homemade hat!

The Glebelands Troops Youth Group was set up by  the Community Involvement Team with youngsters in the Moss Pit area of Stafford.  At their Christmas Party all the children made a party hat and decorated it.  We then had a Christmas Quiz (do you know how many sides a snowflake has?) and a couple of games of pass the parcel before they went home with a goodie bag.
The Youth Group will continue to meet in the new year - if you are interested in knowing more please contact us on 0800 111 4554 or email cp@sarh.co.uk
So What?
Getting down to traditional party games is fun and helps the children learn to work as a team.
A snowflake has 6 sides by the way!

Director goes ‘Back to the Floor’ Community Involvement Style!
SARH Director Grant Shipley and Community Champion
Stewart Bishop

Grant Shipley, Director of Finance and Business Services, spent a morning with the Community Involvement Team to find out more about what we do and get a feel for the communities that we work in. He had a tour in the Mobile Office, was shown the Meadow Road Allotment Site, updated the Community Noticeboard in Sidney Avenue Shop, delivered Penkside newsletters in the pouring rain and finished off at our Community Resource Centre, getting to know the volunteers and customers at IT training.  Grant says;

“I really enjoyed my time with Christine and Pam from the Community Involvement team. I was impressed with the team’s work on the Meadow Road Community Allotment Project in Silkmore.  Talking to job seekers at the Community Resource Centre (at 56 Greyfriars) showed how access to good IT facilities, along with support and encouragement, is really important in helping people back into work."

So What?

It is useful for all levels of management to understand the issues and needs of the wider communities of Stafford Borough.

Cultural Christmas Party

A cracker of a party!
On the 13th December our ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Group held a Christmas party at the CRC on Greyfriars  with the traditional Christmas treats of Yule log, mince pies, candy canes and Christmas cake.  Some of the group brought chocolates in and members of the group from India cooked us soups and polenta bread which was all very delicious!  We had Christmas crackers which some of the group had not seen before and were mystified by the rubbish jokes (just too hard to explain!).   One of the ladies Johanna brought her daughter Julia who is six months old and our youngest member of the group (she has been coming since she was a bump!).  

So What?
Sitting down as a group with members from different countries and religious backgrounds and  sharing food, having fun and making friends friends is a great way for anyone to bond and feel part of the community.
Urban Gallery Greyfriars, Stafford
Santa fallen down the chimney at our Urban Gallery
Santa's Elves' Workshop at the CRC
This December our theme for the empty shop window is the song ‘When Santa Got stuck up the Chimney’. The words to the song are printed and put on show next to the window display for all of those who want to have sing-a-long.  The window of the Community Resource Centre (CRC) is also seasonally adorned with a scene from the Elves’ Workshop!
Come along and see it for yourself at 56 Greyfriars, Stafford  ST16 2RG.
So What?
We are keeping am empty shop window bright and vibrant as a boost to the local area and the CRC display encourages people to stop, pop in and learn more about the work that happens there, such as the Job Club, IT training, the Craft Club and other educational and social sessions.

Don’t be Lonely this Christmas


The aim of S.T.A.F.F. is to end isolation and loneliness amongst our more senior members of the community. They are a free telephoning befriending and support service where Volunteers are recruited and trained to be a friendly ear to members of the community who can be referred to S.T.A.F.F. service by voluntary and statutory agencies. If you know of anyone who would benefit from this service or would like to volunteer then please contact Victoria Smith on 01785 226324 or email victoria.smith@staffordshire.sja.org.uk


Christmas Event for the Family – Arts and Crafts

On Friday 21st December from 11am at the Community Resource Centre we are hold the Community Learning Programme event Christmas Event for the Family – Arts and Crafts.  At 1.00pm we will be joined by a quartet and the Penkside Community Choir who will keep us entertained until 3.00pm.  Santa will be making a guest appearance at some point which I am sure will go down well with a group of children from Stafford Children’s Centre.

COMING in 2013!

FREE COURSES - Launch of our 2013 Community Learning Programme

Is your New Year’s resolution to find a new job, gain a qualification or learn something new? Now is your chance! Stafford and Rural Homes have launched their 6th annual Community Learning Programme. There are a range of 55 courses, sessions and workshops in total throughout 2013. Below are the first few sessions taking place in January and February.

To book on or for more information contact the Community Involvement Team on 0800 111 4554 or email cp@sarh.co.uk
Like our page on Facebook ‘Community Learning Programme’ for all the latest information.

Tool Bank
In 2013 SARH hope to be able to work alongside community members to set up a garden tool hire scheme in Highfields.  This will be the first of its kind in Stafford and we are sure it will be a great success.  If you want to learn more or offer some help please get in touch with the Community Involvement Team on 0800 111 4554 or cp@sarh.co.uk.


If you want any more information about any of the events that have already happened or that are coming up in the future please do not hesitate to contact us on:

cp@sarh.co.uk or call us on
0800 111 4554

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