Wednesday 21 November 2012

Seasonal Shenanigans in Staffordshire

Autumn Sparkler Event

A young artist about to get started

On Friday 2nd November we held the Autumn Sparkler Event at the Community Resource Centre at Greyfriars in Stafford.
It was hard to tell who was having the most fun the children or the adults!  We played Bob Apple, made cakes into bonfires with the help of butter icing, sprinkles and chocolate minty matchmakers.  We also did leaf rubbings and leaf printing. 
To see all the photographs from the event go the SARH CRC page on Facebook.
So What?
Providing a safe environment for families to engage and interact with each other.  It allows the local community to come along and engage with each other..
The Glebelands Troops Youth Group visit the Community Fire Station

Trying some safety gear for size
The Glebelands Troops Youth Group are supported by the local Community Fire Station at Rising Brook.  Two firefighters come along to each of the meetings and help out with all the activities.  On the 12th November the children were invited to the Community Fire Station for an evening of fun.

They got to try on some of the safety equipment and use the heat detectors.  After that they had a chance to use the fire hose.   Some of the group had the chance to experience how the firefighters buddy up in a smoke filled building and find their way around.   For this they had to put on a blacked out mask and using a rope with a series of knots as a guard negotiate a series of obstacles.
So What?
Giving the children an insight to the different roles carried out by the emergency services helps to build understanding and respect, preparing them to become responsible citizens.
Meadow Road Allotments

SARH and Stafford Borough Council staff working together
The third and final allotment clean up day took place on 17 October and we cleared the site of its final debris and fly tipping. A 6ft fence has been erected to secure the site and prevent anti-social behaviour and further fly tipping.
The next stages are to design the site, mark out allotment plots, hold a find out more session for local residents and recruit families and community groups to take on the plots. The allotment site will be launched in March 2013 – keep a look out for further progress.

So What?
The project is a great way to make use of some unused land.  It promotes healthy eating and greener living and actively contributes to the health and wellbeing agenda.  The Community Allotment also demonstrates an ability to bring community members together and enhance community spirit.

Green Awards

Stafford Borough Council held their annual Green Awards on 18 October. These awards are set up to reward the efforts of local businesses, community groups and schools in helping the environment and contributing to a more sustainable borough. SARH were very successful with the following projects that we had led on or supported winning an award:

Winner of the Youth and Education Category:
The Milwich Pre-school staff colelcting their award
Milwich Pre-School Allotment Project (supported by SARH Community Involvement Team)

Winner of the Aspiring for the Future Category:
Meadow Road Community Allotment Project (SARH Community Involvement Team in partnership with Stafford Borough Council)

Winner of the Community and Wellbeing Category:
Stafford and Rural Homes Eco House

Oxleathers Independent Living Scheme Vegetable Garden (supported by SARH Community Involvement Team)
Doxey House Independent Living Scheme Vegetable Garden

So What?
These awards highlight SARHs commitment to the green agenda and show the value to the ‘green’ projects we have undertaken.

Speed Networking Event

Speed Networking in action
Stafford and Rural Homes hosted a ‘Speed Networking’ event organised by Stafford District Voluntary Services (SDVS), Stafford Chamber of Commerce and Stafford Business Club. The idea comes from ‘speed dating’ and gives local businesses a chance to get to know each other, promote themselves and discover potential opportunities to work together.
Approximately 45 delegates attended from public, private and voluntary sector businesses. Alongside the Community Involvement and Telecare Teams they included, the Post House, RSPCA (Royal Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals), Carers Association for South Staffordshire, the Childhood parents Cancer Alliance, QJS Marquetry and Web Design, Stone Junction PR and Inspired Film and Video.

So What?
 With some clever co-ordination each attendee was able to speed network with everyone else in the room for six minutes resulting in some great business opportunities and partnerships being forged.

Customer Inspectors

Stafford and Rural Homes’ (SARH) stalwart Customer Inspectors aren’t afraid of the cold!  They are working hard getting all their findings together for the report from their latest inspection.  They have recently inspected communication in the Asset Management Team and are looking forward to delivering their findings to the Chief Executive and Directors soon.  Over 50 improvements have been made to services SARH provide already and undoubtedly there will be even more improvements made following this inspection.

Our Customer Inspectors are also looking forward to welcoming some visitors from another Staffordshire based Housing Association who are hoping to set up a similarly successful project in their area - More on this next time!

So What?
The Customer Inspectors project is gives SARH customers a real voice and they are able to help shape the way SARH delivers its services to customers.

The ESOL Group learns about Diwali
Suprabha and Thara sharing their food and culture
Diwali, which means ’rows of lighted lamps’ is also known as the Festival of Light and is celebrated by Hindu’s all over the world.  At the ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) session held at the Community Resource Centre on the 15th November Suprabha and Thara from India helped the group celebrate Diwali.  They brought in sweet and savoury food that is traditional cooked and eaten during the festival.  Depending where you are in India the celebrations can go on for 5 days but wherever you are the lighting of oil lamps and fire crackers is a must as is wearing new clothes and having a feast.  The traditional earthenware oil lamps are called diyas are used to decorate shops, homes and public places.  Different gods are commemorated during Diwali, one of the deities’ honoured is Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, the lamps are lit to help the goddess find her way to your home.
So What?
Learning about the diversity and culture of others in our community promotes understanding, tolerance and inclusion.


Santa’s Post Box

Santa has left one of his special Post Boxes with us at the SARH Stafford Shop at Greyfriars (next to the Community Resource Centre).  If you post your letter to Santa by 18th December you are guaranteed a reply by Christmas.  We have some special writing paper there in case you want to write your letter while you are visiting the shop.

Mobile Office in Barlaston

Thursday 6th December
1.00pm – 3.00pm
Orchard Place (car park opposite the shops)

The Community Involvement Team are joining up with Stone Signpost Centre and coming to the village of Barlaston in the Mobile Office. Stone Signpost Centre will be offering their advice services and SARH staff will be on hand to answer queries and promote the all new Community Learning Programme for 2013, which offers a range of courses that are FREE for all the community to attend. If you live nearby, pop over and say hello! 

Something special for 21st December
At the Community Resource Centre on the 21st December there is a Christmas Arts and Crafts Event for the Family.  We are combining the annual Community Resource Centre Christmas event with the Community Learning Programmes to send 2012 off in style.  At the craft session those who attend will learn to make Christmas Decorations, cards and wreaths.  The Penkside Community Choir will be singing carols towards the end of the event, mince pies will definitely be on the menu and if everyone behaves Father Christmas has promised to squeeze us into his busy schedule.

If you want any more information about any of the events that have already happened or that are coming up in the future please do not hesitate to contact us on: or call us on
0800 111 4554

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