Tuesday 5 March 2013

Awards, Awards and Awards!
TPAS Awards 2013
TPAS (Tenant Participation Advisory Service) run an annual Awards event open to Social Housing providers, tenants and contractors to give recognition for excellent work and to share best practice in the sector.
Nationally there are 3 regions (Northern, Central and Southern) and ten categories, this year, in the Central region, we have submitted entries into 4 four of these categories and all of them have been shortlisted.
The categories and submissions are:-
Meadow Road Community Allotment Project
ESOL Group
SARH Customer Board
Customer Inspectors Project
The Central region Awards ceremony is on the 12th April at the St Johns Hotel, Solihull; the winners from each category for all the regions will go onto a grand final to be held during the TPAS Annual Conference.
It is a fabulous achievement to be shortlisted considering what a large area the Central Region covers and the high standard of the competition.
TPAS was established in 1988 as a link between government, Social Housing landlords and tenants to work towards better homes and communities.
So What?
It is important to be able to showcase the good work SARH do with our peers, it is also an excellent opportunity to share best practice. 
Welcoming Tunde to the Team!
Tunde our new Grants and New
Initiatives Officer
Tunde Odunuga is the new Grants and New Initiatives Officer who works with the Community Involvement Team.
His role is shared between SARH and Housing Plus in South Staffordshire and his main aim is to find funding for new developments and projects that will benefit our customers.  Tunde has over 10 years experience in this field and is keen to get working with all concerned and seeing how things can be improved for the customers of both Housing Associations. In his spare time Tunde is a huge football fan, supporting Chelsea and Nigeria.
If you want to contact Tunde you can do so on: Contact details:  E-mail: tunde.odunuga@sarh.co.uk      01785 216671
So What?
This new role has the potential to really benefit customers and communities in many ways and across SARH communities.
Food Safety Success!
Studying hard for success!
After the launch in January, the 2013 Community Learning Programme is well under way.
16 people have undertaken a Level 2 Award in Food Safety course and passed! This means they have gained a 3 year qualification which is essential for anyone wanting to work or volunteer in catering.
This course has generated a number of outcomes:
·        5 customers at Independent Living Schemes can cook for fellow residents at social events and meetings.
·        2 people run a coffee bar at a local church and they will now be able to prepare food.
·        The others will use it to boost their CVs and improve their chances of gaining a job in catering.
Customers will have their certificates presented to them in March.
To find out more or request a copy of the Community Learning Programme contact the Community Involvement Team.
So What?
These sorts of courses, amongst others, reflect SARHs commitment to support, encourage and empower our customers to develop the skills that will enable them to actively find employment.
Meadow Road Community Allotments
The allotments beginning to take shape!
The Meadow Road Allotment Grand Opening is planned for Saturday 23rd March and there is plenty going on in the run up to the launch.
Greenfingers, who are a landscaping company, are rotovating the land getting it ready for planting.
An Allotment Open Event is taking place on Friday 1st March. This will be an opportunity for the families and community groups to view their allocated plot, meet each other and their allotment mentor, and begin to put borders and pathways around their allotment.
Look out in next months blog to see photos of the events and the allotment after it’s been rotovated.
If you would like any more information about the Meadow Road Community Allotment Project, contact the Community Involvement Team.
So What?
The allotment site gives local people an opportunity to learn about growing, improve their health and fitness and mix with others from their local community. The project has already improved community spirit and will continue to do so after the allotments are launched.
Welfare Reform Roadshow

SARH have held four events to give help, advice and offer practical money management information prior to the introduction of bedroom tax in April 2013 and Universal Credit in October 2013.  The events were held at Highfields Signpost Centre, the Community Resource Centre at Greyfriars, Silkmore Childrens Centre and Rising Brook Fire Station. 
They were well attended and some misconceptions about Welfare Reform were laid to rest.  Under Occupancy also know as the Bedroom Tax comes into practice in April 2013 and if you have 1 bedroom not in use you will have a 14% reduction in Housing Benefit.  For 2 bedrooms or more there will be a 25% reduction.  For more information about the changes and if it will affect you go to www.sarh.co.uk/welfare or to book an appointment with a Money Advisor call 0800 111 4554 or email moneyadvice@sarh.co.uk
So What?
It is important to be prepared for the changes ahead; SARH staff are here to help our customers deal with these changes now and in the future.
Customer Inspectors

Some of our Customer Inspectors

Stafford and Rural Homes Customer Inspectors have not only been shortlisted for a regional award (see above) but they have also been busy carrying out another inspection!  
This time they are looking at the Independent Living Service.  If you are a resident of an Independent Living Scheme and want to be involved please get in touch with the Community Involvement Team on 0800 111 4554 or email anna.mclauchlan@sarh.co.uk.
So What?
The CIs are encouraging customers to give feedback to SARH in a meaningful way that is recognized by the managers and helps to implement change.
Blooming Marvellous!
Some willing volunteers and their green fingers!
As you may be aware SARH signed up to a ‘green pledge’ last year.  As a result the Community Involvement Team have been out and about in the cold planting with community members and pupils from local Children’s Centres and Primary Schools!  We involved over 50 young people in the exercise, making sure they were well wrapped up from the cold and mud.  As well as finding out more about all sorts of creepy crawlies they also planted over 200 bulbs which will flourish alter this year and in the Spring of next year.
So What?
Involving people of all ages in making their area look greener and brighter will create a greater sense of pride in where they live and go to school.

If you want any more information about any of the events that have already happened or that are coming up in the future please do not hesitate to contact us on:
cp@sarh.co.uk or call us on
0800 111 4554

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