Monday 19 December 2011

Here's what we did in November

November Newsletter
The Penkside Newsletter had a bonfire theme this month and included article contributions from SARH, Stafford Borough Council, Stafford District Voluntary Service, and Community Champions. SARH are leading on the Employment Opportunities Task and Finish Group and this month a new job club was set up by Stafford Works for the residents of Penkside. The newsletter also includes an article from the Asset Management team which gives an update of SARH plans for environmental improvements in the Penkside area.

So what?  The newsletter keeps residents of Penkside updated on what’s available to them in the area. The job club gives people in the area skills and support to find employment.

Repairs inspection
Our Customer Inspectors looked at Responsive Repairs back in 2009 and in early 2012 the Inspectors will be revisiting this area of the business to see how things have changed.  The Customer Inspectors will be running a small focus group and sending out short questionnaires to customers who have recently had a visit from our Repairs First team.  If you want know more about this Project, please contact the Team on or call our free phone number 0800 111 4554.

So What? Our Customers Inspectors play a vital role in shaping our services by identifying recommendations that we take seriously.

Volunteer Readers
Our Readers Panel are a group of customers who proof read Letters or leaflets that we produce to make sure we haven’t made any mistakes, that we haven’t used any jargon and to make sure everything we send out is customer friendly.  We are always looking for more keen eyed customers to help out!   Customers can do this from the comfort of their own home so there is no need to brave the bad weather to come to meetings. 

So What? Our involved customers help us to communicate effectivley to all our customers.

Supporting communities
Our Job Club is an informal group where people can come into a neutral friendly environment have a cup of tea and discuss aspects of job hunting that give them cause for concern. Some people need support with literacy and numeracy; others are not computer literate, this can be a major stumbling block to finding work in today’s job market.  Many have worked in the same industry and job for years and now face a different employment environment, so also we offer CV writing, job hunting and interview skills.

So what? The job club provides opportunities for customers to gain new skills, refresh old skills and helps people to get back into the jobs market.

Reiki Course
The Customer Learning Programme offered learning courses on Flower Arranging, Reiki and Treasurer skills this month.The Treasuer course was particularly useful for our customers who are members of Tenants and Residents Assocaitions and our thanks go to Karen Kayes and Natalie Pearce from our Finance Team, who received very positive customer feedback.

So what?  Refresher courses help to keep our involved customers up to date with financial changes; whilst other courses provide opportunties to learn new skills and hobbies.

Garden illustration
A Sensory Garden project for Highfields was instigated this month. Highfields is our biggest estate in Stafford and this pilot, may see more sensory gardens being planned around the Borough next year. The initiative is a partnership exercise with Stafford Borough Council and the garden will be open and available for the whole community on Highfileds to use early next year, more information will be available in the next update as the project progressess.

So What? Partnership working means pooling resouces for the benefit of the community.

That's it for November but I would like to take this opportuntiy to wish all our readers a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year - will catch up with you next year.
Regards Sandra Shipperley.

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