Monday 6 June 2011

What's happened this month, staff changes and photos of events

Here's a bit about the team
Almost as soon as we started this blog we are saying goodbye to one of our team members Ashley Collier, who is moving on to Burnley, we wish him well and we are looking forward to Samina Arshad who returns from maternity leave next month. Anna McLauchlan continues with her two day a week secondment at Stafford Borough  Council working on CACH (Chase Against Crimes Of Hate) which leaves me Sandra Shipperley, (I'm almost part of the furniture here) and the Manager Chris Plant; together we find a multitude of ways to engage with our customers. Sometimes we are very successful sometimes we learn along the way, here's what we did this month.

Awards Galore!!
One of our Tenants and Residents Associations (HERaTAGE) won a fantastic regional TPAS (Tenant Participation Advisory Service ) award for best practice in the community along with Rita Harley a customer who collected regional third place for Tenant of the Year in recognition of her valuable contribution working with us.
We have Champions!

Throughout the organization we have put in place a core group of staff to act as Customer Champions, thier role is to support customers who get involved in shaping any aspect of the service we deliver. Our role a Customer Particpation Team, is to support that officer in making sure the customer feels comfortable about what is expected of them and that they are fully able to participate.

... and Inspectors.
We have a bank of fully trained Customer Inspectors who on this occasion have been checking out our Estate Walkabouts and have reported their findings to our Board. This is a great example of how customer involvement can change the way to deliver our service. In the next blog you will hear which will be the next area they focus on.

Learn as you go.

 We have an annual Customer Learning Programme, that delivers a variety of courses and this month we held a Silver Surfers day which involved the young and old coming together to learn basic skills,it also helped to bridge the gap between generations.A great day was had by all.

Of course we did loads of other stuff that we publish monthly in a staff bulletin which everyone in the organisation receives, but we want to reach a wider audience, hence this blog.

Next month we will be advising staff about the launch of the blog, along with what we have been up to in May so we will bring you up to-date with everyone's reaction! 
That's all for now folks!

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